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Password reset

Welcome to onepane! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to reset your password

Signing up

  1. Visit the Website

    Open your web browser and go to Onepane. Click on forgot password

  2. Provide mail

    Provide the mail you have used in onepane.


  3. Provide Verfication code

    You will be taken to the verfication windows where you have to provide a code which is sent to your mail


  4. Check mailbox

    Open your mail and check whether you received a mail from onepane.


  5. Check mailbox

    Open your mail and check whether you received a mail from onepane. copy the code to onepane form and click proceed


  6. Type new password

    You will be asked to provide new credentials. Click on proceed.


  7. Password reset success

    If the passwords are good enough it will show a success message.


    You will get a verification via mail as well.
